Travel Destinations

Click on above map pins to see a post

Current Progress

Out of 47 prefectures in Japan:

  • 39 travelled (not counting just going past by train!)
  • 8 remaining
  • 29 with written posts (I will catch up eventually…)


Posts by region / prefecture (north to south)

Hokkaido (北海道)

Northeast / Tohoku (東北)

Aomori (青森県)

Iwate (岩手県)

Miyagi (宮城県)

Akita (秋田県)

Yamagata (山形県)

East / Kanto (関東)

Ibaraki (茨城県)

Tochigi (栃木県)

Saitama (埼玉県)

Kanagawa (神奈川県)

Central (中部)

Niigata (新潟県)

Toyama (富山県)

Ishikawa (石川県)

Yamanashi (山梨県)

Nagano (長野県)

Gifu (岐阜県)

Shizuoka (静岡県)

West / Kansai (関西)

Mie (三重県)

Shiga (滋賀県)

Kyoto (京都府)

Osaka (大阪府)

[Coming soon (Trip date: 2015 Nov)]

Hyogo (兵庫県)

[Coming soon (Trip date: 2015 Nov)]

Nara (奈良県)

Wakayama (和歌山県)

Chugoku (中国)

Shimane (島根県)

Hiroshima (広島県)

Tottori (鳥取県)

Shikoku (四国)

Kagawa (香川県)

[Coming soon (Trip date: 2017 Nov)]

Ehime (愛媛県)

Tokushima (徳島県)

[Coming soon (Trip date: 2017 Nov)]

Kochi (高知県)

[Coming soon (Trip date: 2017 Nov)]

Kyushu (九州)

Oita (大分県)

Kagoshima (鹿児島県)

Okinawa (沖縄県)